понедельник, 1 января 2018 г.


How to Make Brotchen: German Hard Rolls

  • 18 hrs 55 mins
  • Prep: 18 hrs 30 mins,
  • Cook: 25 mins
  • Yield: 40 Servings

"Kipfen - wecken - semmel - weggli - schrippe - feierabend brotchen - rundstuck" - these are all German words for the very common small, white round roll that you see in breakfast bread baskets in Germany and Austria. A lean dough and steam in the oven help create the special taste of the crisp roll, and an overnight sponge gives these rolls a deeper dimension.

If you are serving a brunch, these rolls can easily be ready in time. And you can always freeze them and re-crisp in the oven just before serving.

Mini brötchen

Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

Ich bau´ mir einen Burger: Mini Burger-Buns

Jedes Jahr wechseln sich Mode- und Dekotrends ab und immer ist gerade etwas neues "IN". Auch im Lebensmittel-Bereich zeichnen sich hin und wieder diverse Trends ab, von denen man oft mitgerissen wird. Ob man will, oder nicht.

Aufgrund meiner Lese-Leidenschaft (und der Liebe zu Koch- beziehungsweise Backbüchern) halte ich mich relativ oft in Büchergeschäften auf - wo sich momentan die Burger-Bücher nur so tummeln.

Da ich sowieso eine Obsession für amerikanisches Essen hege, und die Junk-Food-Metropole gerne mal besuchen würde, sich dies aber in nächster Zeit wahrscheinlich leider nicht ergeben wird, habe ich mir gedacht, ich springe auf den Zug auf und hole mir Amerika-Feeling ins Haus.

Natürlich will ich euch daran teilhaben lassen und starte hiermit mein Blog-Thema namens:

Darum starten wir heute gleich mit der essentiellsten Zutat eines fantastischen Burgers, nämlich dem Brötchen, auch "Burger-Bun" genannt.

Ein gutes Brötchen nach meinen Ansprüchen sollte weich, aber nicht letschert sein. "Letschert" ist der österreichische Ausdruck für labberig, kraftlos ;)

Weiters finde ich ein knuspriges Weckerl irgendwie befremdlich, obwohl ich schon des Öfteren knusprige Burger serviert bekam.

Außerdem finde ich es toll, wenn Buns nicht nur als Kohlenhydrat-Medium und Verpackung verwendet werden, sondern auch selbst einen guten Geschmack aufweisen und als extrem wichtige Komponente eines leckeren Gerichts angesehen werden.

Das beste: sobald die Brötchen ausgekühlt sind, kann man sie problemlos einfrieren und somit jederzeit welche auf Vorrat haben.


nun bin ich endlich fündig geworden !

Heute ausprobiert und ich bin total begeistert! :)

Habe sie für eine Freundin zum Geburtstag gemacht. Gibts def. auch zu der nächsten WG Party!

habe die SuperSemmerl zum gestrigen Superbowl gemacht - als Brot für Mini-Burger zum Selberbauen.

Bei den Partygästen kam's überragend an! Hatte eine Hälfte mit Sesam, die andere mit Parmesanbröseln bestreut.

Eignen sich auch hervorragend zum Einfrieren - nach dem Auftauen einfach nochmal kurz in den Backofen und genießen :)

Es freut mich besonders, dass dein erster Versuch so gut geklappt hat, da doch so viele Bäcker mit Hefeteig auf Kriegsfuß stehen! Danke für die liebe Rückmeldung :)

Mini brötchen

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125 g glutenfreies Mehl

50 g geriebener Gouda

ein halber TL Backpulver

Den Backofen auf 220°C Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen.

Die Zucchini raspeln und mit allen restlichen Zutaten gut vermengen. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen und dann mit Hilfe von Löffeln die Masse in kleinen Häufchen auf dem Backpapier verteilen. Ca. 20 Minuten backen, wobei man immer ein Auge auf die Brötchen haben.

Bread shape name?

Bread shape name?

A boule is a round loaf. I believe a miche is a giant boule. Is there a breadworld term for a mini round? Boulette <- before someone else says it. Then Russian Rye could be Russian Boulette. ha ha. Bite the boulette, etc.

Thanks for any input.

PS I've settled down now and I'm working the steps in BBA. I'm working on the basic sourdough recipe. I knew not what I was doing, flavour-wise. I am humbled.

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Sounds a load of boule to me.

(sorry, I'll get on with my work. )

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The term is "petit pain." But I don't know when a boule becomes a petit pain. Somewhere under 4 oz, I would guess.

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Come on David ! You can do punnier than that!!

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I give a straight answer. Just to keep folks off balance. ;-)

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Actually, reading again, I am feeling very ashamed of myself, as I think Pablo did want a serious answer first of all, and a range of bready puns second..

I think petit pain is any sort of roll, not necessarily a round one. It just means small bread after all

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Thank you David. Do you know when a boule becomes a miche?

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That's the short answer.

I would think a miche would have to be at least 3 pounds. Poilâne's miche is 2 kg., I believe.

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Oh! I just thought. the Boul' Mich' is the slang term for the Boulevard Saint-Michel in Paris.

So both these shapes could be quite Rive Gauche. or just out of left field?

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I call it a dinner roll.

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At least, that's what they got called in my house when some hamburger buns got distracted, and lost track of all the ingredients like oil and milk that were supposed to keep them soft and squooshy, resulting in a pan of tasty but crusty mini-boules.

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normal size or Bread is Brot, Loaf is a Leib (which also means Body),

mini size is Brötchen or Weckerl (with a V and sort of rhymes with freckle).

Shaped into a metal box form it is called Toast Brot. Then there are hundreds of names depending on what the ingredients are and the forms HERE IS A SITE with pictures next to the names, many share the same composite picture. Some are cakes because this is a list of all products.

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Kaiser Brötchen / Kaiser rolls

The Kaiser roll is also called a Vienna roll or Semmel or Kaisersemmel or kaiserbroodje in Dutch

Dutch version coming soon…

Think sweet smelling soft crumb and thin crispy crust, these rolls are on the other side of the artisan bread baking spectrum. But they deserve their place in your warm, fresh-out-of-the-oven home-baked bread repertoire!

Everybody, in Holland for sure, knows these rolls with the characteristic star shape, made by hand or with a stamp. When you buy these rolls they usually do not seem to have much weight or taste. But, as so often with home baking, making them yourself changes everything. You use the right (and probably much less) ingredients, you give it time and suddenly it is very rewarding to make these adorable little rolls. They go with any meal, are great at a traditional family dinner or a summer picknick or just with a bowl of homemade soup.

Lets get baking!

Ingredients for the Kaiser rolls

500 g German 550 /French type 55 / all purpose flour

7 g instant yeast

1 tsp / 7 g honey

Making this dough is pretty straightforward, combining, kneading, resting, shaping and final proofing, but for a good baking result it is important to use the right (quality) ingredients and also keep your dough under optimum conditions during the whole making and baking process. If you want to learn more please check out these tips:

–Tips on the use of your oven for splendid results

Note: We use European flour which absorbs a few % less water than American type flour. People using American type flour should add 4-9 ml water to the dough.

In a mixing bowl of a standing mixer with a dough hook attached, combine the flour with the salt. Add the yeast, water, milk and honey and knead for 7 minutes. If you are kneading by hand it will take a bit longer, between 12 and 15 minutes depending on your kneading. You are aiming for an elastic dough that is ever so slightly sticky. Leave to rest for 2 hours in a bowl, sprayed with some oil, and cover with clingfilm.

Now divide the dough into 12 equal pieces of just about 70 g each. Shape the dough pieces into balls, place them on the baking sheet or tray you are also going to use to put them in the oven, cover (we do this with a floured piece of clingfilm) and let them relax for 10 minutes.

Preheat your oven to 220ºC / 430ºF. The preparation time from this point until the bread actually goes into the oven is about 1 hour.

Continue by pressing the kaiser roll stamp into each ball of dough like you see in the picture to get the 5 pointed star pattern. Cover them and leave to proof for 50 minutes to 1 hour. When you think the rolls have risen enough, use your floured finger to carefully make a very small dent in the dough. If the dent remains, the bread is ready to bake, if the indentation disappears, the dough needs a little bit more time.

You can also decorate your rolls with sesame seeds or poppy seeds before they go into the oven. Spray with some water and sprinkle on the seeds.

Try to create some steam in your oven by putting a small metal baking tray on your oven floor when you preheat the oven and pour in half a cup of hot water immediately after putting the bread in the oven. Release some steam by setting your oven door ajar 5 minutes before the bread is ready. If you are going to create steam with a baking tray, you maybe also want to turn your oven temperature a bit higher, because you are going to lose some heat in the process.

Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes and leave to cool on a rack.

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Gerry Oakley says

Finally a recipe in grams …not cups and spoons ..noticed some recipes have butter but no butter here .. going to try this one ..

Weekend Bakers says

Big believers in scales, also for the home baker!

We hope the recipe turns out well. If you want to enrich this dough with some butter, we would suggest adding around 20 grams, but no more. Hope you like it as is!

You have one use different measurements for liquids ml or liter but not g. Gramm is for weight only 😜

Weekend Bakers says

Bakers actually do weigh their liquids, also water, to be accurate every time and get a consistent baking result. Measuring is less precise.

Daniela Bauernfeind says

Can I have this recipes, in german please.

Weekend Bakers says

Our German translation skills are not that good, but maybe google translate can help you.

Luke Smith says

This recipe for kaiser rolls looks amazing, and I especially love your advice to sprinkle them with poppy seeds before they go in the oven! I have always loved fresh baked rolls, but I don’t have a lot of time these days to make them. Reading about them right now though made me determined to have some…

I would like to do this over two days. Can I do the first resting of 2 hours in the fridge overnight? Do you guys have any idea if this would this be equivalent to 12 or 24 hours at 3C?

Thanks for a great website.

Weekend Bakers says

Hi, you will be fine. Let the dough develop for 1 hour before putting it in the fridge to give it a head start.

Lynn Macdonald says

Greetings! I want to make these for a lunch soon, but we don’t have the Kaiser Stamp. Would these be ok to just roll and score the top? Also, after mixing the flour, water etc., how would it affect the final product if I had to leave it in the cold room overnight?

Weekend Bakers says

Hi Lynn, no problem using a knife, you end up with great tasting white rolls! About the cold room; I do not really understand what you mean by that! Sorry!

Dennis Shinn says

I live in Zirndorf Germany for 16 years and still today love my German rolls,i thank you so much for the recipe for the Kaiser,but as you know there are others.I would like know how to make there one other i like don’t know the name but they were shaped like a football and had a spit down the top,but were very good as well.thanks for any help on these rolls a photo would help thanks your weekend baker..

Weekend Bakers says

Hello Dennis, thanks you for comment. We do not know this type of roll. We will have a look, but we only have one German bread book and this roll is not in this book. When we find something we will post a recipe.

Hi, I think he means the Deutsche Schnit brotchen.

Randy Jones says

possibly meant Rogen brötchen

Randy Jones says

possibly meant Laugenbroetchen

I tried to follow the recipe exactly but I don’t have a standing mixer and I have been kneading the dough by hand for about an hour to no avail. It is still super sticky and not very elastic at all. Quite frustrating. Any advice?

Tina C Millard says

Stop! People have made bread for centuries without stand mixers; it can be done. You do not need (pun intended) to knead the dough for an hour. It sounds to me, from what you say, as if you should be adding flour by the tablespoon until the dough is not so sticky. A little sticky is fine; so sticky you can’t get it off your hands is too wet. Fifteen minutes kneading should be adequate. If at all possible, find someone locally to show you once what the texture of unbaked bread dough should look and feel like. You won’t forget and will know in future what to aim for. You can do it.

Weekend Bakers says

Very good advice Tina, thank you for your comment!

Thank you guys for another great recipe! Tried it for the first time today and they came out looking great, popped them straight from the cooling rack into the freezer and will be tasting them next thing in the morning. Would it be possible to use wholewheat flower instead of the all purpose flower, or would you have to make changes in measurements?

Keep up the great work!

Weekend Bakers says

Hi Rob, first of all with whole wheat flour the rolls will be much less fluffy. You will need more water as all the fibres in the whole wheat flour do absorb a lot of water. So add about 30g to 40g of water to be get up to about 68% of hydration. Happy baking!

Randy Jones says

Tried your recipe and they turned out beautifully. Very light on the inside and just as you described tender slightly crunchy crust. Served ’em up with soft boiled eggs and Langnese honey and Nutella. My wife was raised in Nurnberg area and she was “One Happy Girl”, have tried several recipes trying to get it right and this one was the best.

Thanks for posting.

Weekend Bakers says

Always nice to get such wonderful feedback. Sounds exactly right! We are guessing you are going to bake some more in the near future…

Happy Brötchen Baking!

Gerdina Schwab says

I just tasted one of these wonderful rolls that I baked today. It is the kaiser roll recipe I have been looking for a very long time. They will become a staple in my house and will be made weekly. The only thing I will change is the size since we use them as sandwich rolls. So the recipe will make 6 instead of 12. BTW I am a Dutch woman living in the US and your tips for adding just a little more water makes perfect sense and worked very well.

I can’t wait to try the other artisan bread recipes you have here.

Weekend Bakers says

How wonderful to hear you made the kaiser rolls in America and you like them so much! Great idea to make 6 bigger ones, that will be no problem indeed, (maybe a few minutes more oven time).

If and when you make some of our other recipes, would love to hear about your results too.

Weet iemand of je ze voor het afbakken ook kunt invriezen of heel even afbakken en dan de vriezer in.

Does anyone know if you can put them into the freezer before baking, perhaps baking them shortly?

Weekend Bakers says

Ja dat kan. Je kunt het beste tot ongeveer 2/3 van de tijd afbakken, afkoelen en dan snel invriezen.

Afbakken kan dan in 7 tot 10 minuten (beetje afhankelijk van oven).

Great project: fast, easy and satisfying. My only diversion from the recipe was that I added a tad butter. I read in a number of German recipes that they add butter, so I did too. Without the mold, I folded the dough to get a shape that remotely resembles the iconic form.

Weekend Bakers says

Nothing wrong with adding a bit of butter I think!

Greetings and happy weekend baking,

your recipes is good

Sylvia Vervest says

Made these today with the French 55, they are delicious (I sneaked one before they cooled off) thanks for the recipe. Btw is the Zandhaas Tarwebloem ok to use to make them.

Claartje in UK says

Another perfect recipe from WKB! Since I don’t have a stamp (yet) I ‘knotted’ the dough and the result is stunning!! Thanks again, especially on behalf of my OH who thinks this is my best homemade bread I ever baked ….. (Why bother doing multi day sourdough projects, using different heritage flours, etc.)

Weekend Bakers says

I know what you mean. My parents and my neighbors just returning from a German Holiday were more than pleased with the Kaiser rolls. It is just nice to mix it up ones in a while. ‘Verandering van spijs doet eten’!

The knotting gave a fine result too I must say!

Have a great (baking) weekend,

PS: You can see Claartjes Kaiser rolls and lovely Baguette Boule on our ‘Your Loaves’ page: www.weekendbakery.com/your-loafs/

Net deze broodjes gemaakt. Zien er prachtig uit. Nog even tip voor als het deeg te plakkerig is om te stempelen. Duw de stempel voor elk broodje even in wat bloem. Werkt perfect.

Weekend Bakers says

Dank je voor deze zeer handige toevoeging en geniet van de broodjes!

German Brötchen Recipe

German Brötchen Recipe

Does anyone have a recipe for German brötchen? These are breakfast rolls usually made in 3 to 3 1/2 inch ovals. They have a hard crust and a soft chewy inside. I prefer white over whole wheat for this roll. I am especially interested in knowing which of the flours available in the USA come closest to the German flour used.

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This is the recipe I use, which I got from allrecipes. I prefer to use bread flour, as it makes for a chewier texture. I have made them with bread, AP and white WW. If you want an even crispier crust, just leave in the turned off oven with the door open for 5-10 when done.

2 tablespoons active dry yeast

1 tablespoon sugar

2 1/2 cups warm water

2 tablespoons shortening (I use light olive oil)

2 teaspoons salt

7 cups all-purpose flour (I prefer bread flour)

3 egg whites, stiffly beaten

1 egg white (for egg wash)

2 tablespoons cold milk

In a large mixing bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Let sit until creamy; about 10 minutes.

Mix in shortening, salt and 3 cups of the flour. Beat with dough whisk or heavy spoon for 2 minutes. Fold in egg whites. Gradually add flour 1/4 cup at a time, until dough forms a mass and begins to pull away from bowl. Turn onto a floured surface. Knead, adding more flour as necessary, for 8 to 10 minutes, until smooth and elastic with bubbles.

Lightly oil a large mixing bowl, place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour. Deflate the dough, form into a round and let rise again until doubled, about 45 minutes.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into 24 equal pieces and form into oval rolls about 3 1/2 inches long. Place on lightly greased baking sheets, cover and let rise until doubled in volume, about 40 minutes.

Place an empty baking sheet on the bottom rack of the oven. In a small bowl, lightly beat the egg white with the 2 tablespoons of milk to make the egg wash. Lightly brush the risen rolls with the egg wash. Place 1 cup of ice cubes on the hot baking sheet in the oven and immediately place the rolls in the oven.

Bake at 425 degrees F (220 degrees C) for about 20 minutes or until the tops are golden brown. Remove to a wire rack and cool.

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I tried your recipe last night and they turned out awsome. One less reason to ever having to travel home.

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500 g unbleached bread flour

1 tsp instant yeast

5 g sugar or diastatic malt

let it ferment at room temperature (about 2 hours with one fold). Divide it into 10 - 12 pieces, shape round or like little batards. Proof for 30 minutes, score and bake with steam for 20 minutes at 450°F.

The use of egg whites and an egg wash is not really "german".

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I'll try this in the next few days. Thank you. Is it really so easy and is the difference simply the steam? I made Laugenbrezeln last weekend and the Lau was the difference for sure.

Again, vielen dank und servus,

Patrick aus Texas

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I am going to try your version Beate. I like the ingredients, as I think I would have found them in a kitchen in Deutschland. I tried the recipe above yours and my results tasted good, but the crust was nothing like I had experienced in Europe. I have read that I should bake longer and open the oven door slightly after 15 minutes, maybe even leave them in the oven with the door open when the time is up to have a crisp crust. Ant other suggestions for the crust you know I mean?

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Just over 400°F to 425°F and see if letting more moisture out of the roll during baking helps the crust get crispier. I would stick to the egg white recipe. It is very German.

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Strange. egg whites? Haven't heard of that in Germany. Assumed that was more of an attempt to approximate the shell. Is it "typisch?"

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egg white is definitly not "typisch" (=typical) german. I am german and live in Germany and have never heard of using eggs in brötchen. For a better crust bake the first 10 minutes at 500 degrees.

Trust me, the recipe I posted above is authentical, it is from a german baker:

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When I lived in Augsburg as a child, the brötchen from the local bakery always had a "button" on the top crust. I remember because I used to love peeling off the button and scooping out the soft insides first. I'm assuming that this was accomplished with a circular slash to allow for venting, but I'm wondering if you were familiar with this style and had any tips on cutting such a small perfect circle in the dough?

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Ich danke sie sehr- (I thank you). I've been looking for a good recipe and will try this tomorrow. Would it be to much trouble to ask for you to translate the recipe from the link favoring with any of your experience. Leide ist mien Deutsch slecht geworden. I grew up in Germany, but have lived in the US for 20 years.

Gruss aus Texas,

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I tried these and they worked our very well - and were very easy and convenient to make.

« 100° Fahrenheit " 100 ° Fahrenheit

Brötchen backen Bake rolls

von Heiner by Heiner

Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich eine Diskussion mit meinen Volleyball-Kollegen darüber, ob es sich lohnt, Brötchen selbst zu backen. Some time ago I had a discussion with my colleagues about volleyball, whether it is worthwhile to bake bread yourself. Meine Meinung: klar lohnt sich das! My opinion: clearly worth it! Hier mal kurz meine Rechnung: My for a quick calculation:

* Frische Brötchen aus dem Laden holen: Waschen, Zähne putzen, einigermaßen vorzeigbar anziehen, 500 Meter Wanderung zum Laden, schnacken mit allen möglichen Nachbarn und Bekannten, Brötchen kaufen, schnacken mit allen möglichen Nachbarn und Bekannten, 500 Meter Wanderung zurück nach Hause. Get fresh rolls from the store: "Brush your teeth Wash, reasonably presentable put, 500 meters walk to load chat with all kinds of neighbors and friends, buy bread, chat all possible neighbors and relatives, 500 meters walk back home with them. Wenn man Glück hat, schafft man das in einer dreiviertel Stunde. If you are lucky, can we do this in three quarters of an hour.

* Frische Brötchen selbst backen: Brötchenteig am Abend vorbereiten und auf dem Backblech in den Kühlschrank stellen. Fresh bread bake: Brötchenteig evening and prepare the baking sheet in the refrigerator on. Morgens das Blech in den Backofen schieben (30 Sekunden). In the morning, the sheet in the oven slide (30 seconds). Alles in Allem dauert das also gut 10 Minuten. So all in all it takes a good 10 minutes. Bis die Brötchen fertig sind bleibt nun genügend Zeit zum waschen, Zähne putzen und für den angemessenen Austausch von Zärtlichkeiten. Until the rolls are done now is enough time to wash, brush teeth and for the appropriate displays of affection.

Worum es bei der Diskussion mit meinen Volleyballern ging, war meine Kalkulation für das Vorbereiten des Brötchenteiges. What was the discussion with my volley, my calculation was for the preparation of bread dough. Sie wollten nicht glauben, dass das in zehn Minuten zu bewerkstelligen ist. They did not believe that can be accomplished in ten minutes. Da ich mir kaum vorstellen kann, dass mir jemand 9 Minuten und 44 Sekunden beim Brötchenbacken zuschauen möchte, habe ich das Beweisvideo mal auf gut zwei Minuten eingedampft: Since I can hardly imagine that anyone wants to watch 9 minutes and 44 seconds on the bread baking, I have concentrated on the evidence video views a good two minutes:

Bevor ich zu meinem Standard-Rezept komme, noch ein paar Anmerkungen. Before I get to my standard recipe, a few comments. Wie man auf dem Video sieht, gebe ich mir nicht besonders viel Mühe, die Zutaten abzuwiegen. As you can see on the video, I give myself to weigh not much trouble to the ingredients. Das hat zwei Gründe. There are two reasons. Zum einen lernt man schnell die richtigen Mengen abzuschätzen, zum Anderen koche und backe ich sowieso eher selten nach Rezept. First, you quickly learn the right quantities to estimate, on the other to cook and bake according to recipe I rarely anyway. Das Gute bei selbst gebackenen Brötchen ist ja gerade, dass man die Möglichkeit hat, die Zutatenliste zu variieren und zu erweitern The good thing about homemade bread is precisely that one has the possibility to vary the ingredients list and expand

Rezept: Brötchen Recipe: Bread

* 500 Gramm Weizenmehl 500 grams of wheat flour

* 14 Gramm Hefe (ein Drittel Würfel) 14 grams of yeast (a third cube)

* 1 Teelöffel Zucker 1 teaspoon sugar

* 1/4 Liter Wasser 1 / 4 liter water

* 1 gestrichener Teelöffel Salz 1 level teaspoon salt

Alle Zutaten werden in eine Rührschüssel gegeben und dann ordentlich mit dem Knethaken durchgeknetet. All ingredients are placed in a mixing bowl and then knead with the dough hook properly. Anschließend wird der Teig auf die Arbeitsfläche geschüttet und ordentlich mit der Hand durchgeknetet. Then the batter is poured onto the work surface and knead by hand properly. Dieses Kneten mit der Hand ist extrem wichtig! This kneading by hand is extremely important! Es geht nicht darum den Teig vorsichtig zu bewegen, sondern er muss mit viel Schmackes ordentlich durchgewalgt werden. It's not about the dough to move cautiously, but it must be properly durchgewalgt with much taste. Ich mache es so, dass ich ihn zwischendurch immer wieder falte, damit die Hefe wirklich sehr gleichmäßig und fein überall verteilt wird. I do it like I always fold it in between so that the yeast is distributed evenly and really very fine everywhere. Anschließend wird der Teig in handliche Portionen geteilt, noch einmal in Form gebracht und schließlich bis zum nächsten Morgen in den Kühlschrank gestellt. Then the dough is divided into manageable portions, once again brought into shape, and finally until the next morning in the refrigerator.

Am Morgen wird der Backofen auf 200 Grad (Ober-und Unterhitze) vorgeheizt. In the morning the oven to 200 degrees (top and bottom heat) is preheated. Wer es mag schneidet die Brötchen-Rohlinge längs oder kreuzweise ein. If you like it cuts the bread-R is a lateral or crosswise. Auf jeden Fall sollten sie jetzt noch mit etwas Wasser besprüht werden. In any case, they should now be sprayed with water. Schließlich wird das Blech in den Backofen geschoben. Finally, the sheet is pushed into the oven. Nach 23-25 Minuten sind die Brötchen fertig. After 23-25 ​​minutes, the buns are done.

Selbst gebackene Brötchen

Selbst gebackene Brötchen Homemade bread

So wie gerade beschrieben mache ich unsere Brötchen nie! As just described, I make our bread before! Der Spaß bei der Sache sind ja gerade die Varianten. The fun of the thing is precisely these variations. Auf dem Video sieht man zum Beispiel, dass ich etwas Dinkelmehl beigegeben habe. On the video you can see, for example, that I've added something Spelt flour. Statt eines Hefewürfels habe ich Trockenhefe verwendet. Instead of a yeast cubes I used dry yeast. Das mache ich normalerweise nicht, aber es waren gerade keine Hefewürfel mehr vorhanden. I usually make, but there were just no longer exists yeast cubes.

Statt Zucker habe ich hier Rübensirup verwendet. I've used instead of sugar beet syrup. Die Brötchen werden dadurch etwas dunkler und bekommen einen ganz leicht rauchigen Karamell-Geschmack. The rolls are thus somewhat darker and have a very slight smoky caramel flavor.

Weitere beliebte Varianten sind bei uns etwas Milch statt Wasser, Beigabe von etwas Roggenmehl oder Haferflocken oder Mohn oder Sesam oder Haselnüssen oder Mandeln oder Sonnenblumenkernen oder Käse oder gerösteten Zwiebeln oder angebratenen Schinkenwürfeln usw. usw. Der Phantasie sind hier kaum Grenzen gesetzt. Other popular versions are with us some milk instead of water, adding some rye flour or oatmeal or poppy or sesame seeds or hazelnuts or almonds or sunflower seeds or cheese or fried onions or fried ham cubes, etc., etc. The fantasy here is virtually unlimited.

Auch die Backtemperatur und -zeit kann man etwas variieren. The baking temperature and time can vary somewhat. Mailin hat die Brötchen früher zum Beispiel zunächst 15 Minuten bei Umluft gebacken und dann noch einmal Wasser darauf gesprüht. Mailin to bake the rolls earlier, for example, initially for 15 minutes at convection and again sprayed water on it. Anschließend hat sie die Brötchen dann noch mal 10 Minuten mit Ober-/Unterhitze gebacken. Then she baked the bread then another 10 minutes with top and bottom heat.

Siehe auch: See also:

* Laugenbrezel backen Pretzel Bake

* Pizza backen Pizza

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German Brotchen or Semmeln for Delicious Breakfasts

German Brotchen or Broetchen (Semmeln) in German are without exaggerating the best! Everyone who has visited Germany knows that these rolls are the best. They are part of every good German breakfast and they need to be fresh. A fresh Broetchen is slightly crunchy and never soft. How to keep Broetchen fresh?

You would not keep them in plastic bags. We recommend to use a wooden box or paper bags. In Germany there are special bread boxes or pots made out of ceramic or wood where you would keep your bread. These pots prevent that the bread gets stale fast and it won't dry out, or get soft like it does in plastic containers.

Ingredients German Brotchen

150 g wheat flour (1050) - US High Gluten Flour

135 ml warm water

10 g fresh yeast or 1 pk dry yeast

350 g wheat flour (550) - US All Purpose Flour

140 ml water, as needed

20 g pork grease (Schmalz) or butter

1/2 tbsp Honey or 20 g sugar

Not sure what flour to use?

Baking Instructions German Brotchen

- Make the pre-dough by mixing all pre-dough ingredients; dissolve yeast in water, then knead until you get a smooth dough.; knead for 5 minutes; then let raise for 30 min.

- Then add all remaining ingredients to the dough.

- With the mixer and kneading hooks knead for 10 minutes. You want the dough stretchy and smooth. Let it raise for 20 minutes.

- Make about 50 pieces out of the dough and roll them to balls (See the video).

- Place them on a floured baking tray; cover with a kitchen cloth or foil.

- After 15 minutes remove cover and dust a layer rye flour on top, with a knife make a cut in the middle.

- Place rolls on a greased baking tray, cover with kitchen cloth or foil.

- Let them raise 35 min or until you see a visible change in volume.

- Spray the buns with water until they are shiny, the baking tray should be wet too.

- Add sesame seeds, poppy seeds, caraway seeds or a mix of your favorite bun topping. Even coarse salt is great!

- Bake in pre-heated oven on 210 C or 400 F for 20 minutes. If you use a convection oven temperature is 370 F.

Form the Brotchen as we do in Germany

FaceBook Comments

6 Responses to “German Brotchen or Semmeln for Delicious Breakfasts”

As a German living in the US, I have really missed a good Broetchen, for many years. These are EXACTLY like the ones at home. Perfect!! Even the soft, fluffy part on the inside is absolutely spot on. I’m in heaven, and even my kids love them.

I had to do some googling to find out which flours to use, and for anyone else who doesn’t have access to flour with numbers, here it is:

1050: It’s a mix, 80% bread flour + 20% whole wheat flour. In this recipe, that translates to 120g of bread flour, and 30g of whole wheat flour.

550: regular all purpose flour.

The only issue I had was the size of the Broetchen. It’s supposed to make 50, but I only got 30, and even then they were still way too small. But delicious nonetheless. 🙂

Oh, and I used butter and sugar, rather than Schmalz and honey.

I can’t wait to make these again!!

Thanks so much for the tips. This is very helpful! The German bread numbers can be confusing… Danke!

This is the best recipe I have tried ! Taste just like home ! Thanks to Joanna the flour ratio helped tremandes . I also doubled recipe for bigger rolls !

im in agreement with this recipe . if you want to really be creative , stretch these dough balls into rectangles and drop on the meat , veg , cheese mixture , then roll them back into ” tubes . let rise again and you have one awesome homemade hot pocket . — OR , roll the dough into breadsticks , flatten into 3″ x 11″ rectangles , fill with spicy cheese and re roll into breadsticks .

dont ever add egg to your brotchen recipe like many people recommend . it makes them rubbery ..

ahh !! i forgot . 80 % all purpose flour and 20 % whole wheat — .

thanks for these valuable tips! Yes, never add eggs!

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Low-Carb Brot und Brötchen Rezepte für den Thermomix TM5 und TM31 Brotbackbuch für Brotrezepte,

By Johanna Krüger

  • Release Date : 2017-05-01
  • Genre : Kochen, Wein und Gastronomie
  • FIle Size : 1.07 MB

Low-Carb Brot und Brötchen Rezepte für den Thermomix TM5 und TM31 Brotbackbuch für Brotrezepte, Abnehmen mit der Low-Carb-Diät und trotzdem nicht auf Brot verzichten. Brot selber zu backen hat den Vorteil die Zutaten und den genauen Anteil an Kohlenhydraten zu kennen, damit eine Diät auch erfolgreich ist.

Schnelles Low-Carb-Kastenbrot (Basisrezept)

Ein glutenfreier Blog

Ein Blog für alle Gluten-Allergiker/Zöliakie Patienten. Glutenfrei Einkaufen, Reisen, Kochen & Backen!

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

REZEPT: glutenfreie Mini-Burger

Zu Beginn meiner glutenfreien Diät hab ich besonders Cheeseburger unendlich vermisst. Egal wo und wann man gerade ist, oft gibt es einen McD oder BK in der Nähe. Nach einer Weile gewöhnt man sich dann aber daran dass es nur noch im Notfall zu Fast-Food Ketten geht - und dann auch nur für Pommes oder einen langweiligen Salat. Das Verlangen nach einem gelengtlichen Burger ist damit noch lange nicht gestillt.

Wie ich Euch bereits im 'glutenfrei Essen in New York - Teil 1' berichtet habe, war ich in New York bei Bloom's Deli glutenfreie Burger essen. Das saftige Fleisch, die frischen Zutaten, ein glutenfreies Burgerbrötchen und die selbstgemachten Pommes hätten nicht besser schmecken können. Die Burgerbrötchen waren bisher immer mein größtes Problem - wie soll man die glutenfrei ersetzen?

Ganz ehrlich, meine selbstgemachten schmecken besser! Für mich sind etwas kleinere Portionen optisch als auch geschmacklich attraktiver im Gegensatz zu einem riesigen 400g Burger. darüber lässt sich aber streiten.

Käse -> für Cheeseburger

Pommes (glutenfrei z.B. von aviko)


Interessant, wir haben letzten auch die Panini von Schär als Burger ausprobiert. Mit selbst gemachten (natürlich glutenfreien) Röstzwiebeln, Hackfleisch, Salat, . köstlich! Ich kann es jedem auch nur empfehlen. Leider ist mir ein Panini Brötchen auseinander gefallen nachdem ich es getoastet habe. Danach habe ich es lieber ungetoastet gegessen, die Konsistenz ist wohl nicht sooo gut?

Ich nehme immer die Tiefkühl-Körnerbrötchen von DS und lege sie auf den Toaster. Meistens nehme ich dann noch die DS Chickenfingers anstatt Hackfleisch und mache mir einen schönen Chickenburger mit Salat, Käse, Gurke und Mayo. Ist zwar nicht ganz die Fast Food Variante aber schmeckt super, geht schnell und durch die Körner fühlt es sich zumindest so an, als ob es ein bissl gesund wäre ;)

@Anonym: Hört sich auch lecker an ;).

hab auch schon verschiedene Burger-Varaianten probiert, aber die DS-Kaiser-Semmel sind am Besten, auch von der Größe her. leider bekommt man die bei uns so schwer. ;-)

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