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(sich $) seine Brötchen verdienen dat
inf to earn one's living, to earn one's daily bread hum
kleine Brötchen backen inf to set one's sights lower
Results found in: English-German
- to bring home the bacon exp. die Brötchen verdienen
- to earn a
one's crust exp. seine Brötchen verdienen
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Welcome to German-English Collins dictionary. Type the word that you look for in the search box above. The results will include words and phrases from the general dictionary as well as entries from the collaborative one.
Englisch brötchen
This list shows the most active English-French contributors.
dict.cc Dictionnaire Anglais-Français: French-English
Still most of the technical innovations happen in the mobile world, on smartphones, tablets and other "smart" devices. New Android and iOS versions are being published constantly and new devices appear, meaning the dict.cc app has to be adapted continuously. Unfortunately the programming environment I've been using so far does not seem to keep up with all of the developments, leading to technical issues with recent Android versions. That's why I've been busy reprogramming the app from scratch in a new development environment. Most probably it will take me several more months of programming until I can start releasing this new app.
The team that made this possible consists of 244,443 registered users, more specifically of 32,025 contributors, and especially of the small core team of really motivated, hardworking and devoted top contributors, the heart and soul of dict.cc. That's your success! Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers
Englisch brötchen
Er versuchte verzweifelt, die Rosinen aus dem Brötchen herauszupolken.
He tried desperately to pluck the raisins out of the bun.
Ihr Englisch scheint gut zu sein. Kann ich dich kennenlernen? Ich habe einen Deutschkurs gemacht, aber mein Wortschatz ist sehr beschränkt. Ich kann aber leider nicht so gut Deutsch.
Ich habe dich in meiner freundsliste aufgenommen, du musst mich nun akzeptieren. Mein Ziel ist es, ein gutes Niveau im Englisch zu haben, damit ich einen anständigen Job finden werde.
Englisch brötchen
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Englisch brötchen
dict.cc Dictionnaire Anglais-Français: French-English
Still most of the technical innovations happen in the mobile world, on smartphones, tablets and other "smart" devices. New Android and iOS versions are being published constantly and new devices appear, meaning the dict.cc app has to be adapted continuously. Unfortunately the programming environment I've been using so far does not seem to keep up with all of the developments, leading to technical issues with recent Android versions. That's why I've been busy reprogramming the app from scratch in a new development environment. Most probably it will take me several more months of programming until I can start releasing this new app.
The team that made this possible consists of 244,443 registered users, more specifically of 32,025 contributors, and especially of the small core team of really motivated, hardworking and devoted top contributors, the heart and soul of dict.cc. That's your success! Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers
Englisch brötchen
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How to Make Brotchen: German Hard Rolls
- 18 hrs 55 mins
- Prep: 18 hrs 30 mins,
- Cook: 25 mins
- Yield: 40 Servings
"Kipfen - wecken - semmel - weggli - schrippe - feierabend brotchen - rundstuck" - these are all German words for the very common small, white round roll that you see in breakfast bread baskets in Germany and Austria. A lean dough and steam in the oven help create the special taste of the crisp roll, and an overnight sponge gives these rolls a deeper dimension.
If you are serving a brunch, these rolls can easily be ready in time. And you can always freeze them and re-crisp in the oven just before serving.
Englisch brötchen
Hat jemand eine passende Übersetzung für "(verschieden) belegte Brötchen"?
Also "aufgeschnittene Brötchen", die man sich nach Wunsch belegen läßt (ähnlich den Footlong-Dingern, aber meistens nicht so füllig).
Das ist ein Brötchen/Semmel/Schrippe nach Wunsch = Weizen, Roggen, Mohn, Sonnenblumen etc. mit verschiedenen Aufschnitt oder angemachten Salaten nach Wunsch und wahlweise Tomate, Ei, Essiggurke und Salatblatt etc. In einigen Firmenkantinen gibts das auch am Mittagsbuffet. Canapés sind in Hamburg was anderes.
Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch). Vielen Dank dafür!
Links auf dieses Wörterbuch oder einzelne Übersetzungen sind herzlich willkommen! Fragen und Antworten
Englisch brötchen
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er war schrecklich in seinem Zorn geh his wrath was terrible (to behold) liter
schrecklich schimpfen to swear dreadfully or terribly
sich schrecklich freuen to be terribly or awfully pleased
schrecklich gerne! I'd absolutely love to
schrecklich viel an awful lot (of)
schrecklich wenig very little
schrecklich nett usu iro terribly nice
Results found in: English-German
- to sound terrible exp. sich schrecklich anhören
- to get into a tizzy exp. sich schrecklich aufregen
- his driving is awful exp. er fährt schrecklich schlecht
- his butchered body exp. seine schrecklich zugerichtete Leiche
- my nerves are on edge exp. ich bin schrecklich nervös
- he's a terrible critic exp. er ist schrecklich kritisch
- he's full of conceit exp. er ist schrecklich eingebildet
- she's a perfect terror exp. sie ist einfach schrecklich
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Welcome to German-English Collins dictionary. Type the word that you look for in the search box above. The results will include words and phrases from the general dictionary as well as entries from the collaborative one.
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